Liz Rodriguez

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Photo of Liz

About Me

I'm a "Xennial" who grew up when the internet was young, just as I was. My family bought our first computer in 1997, and I become fascinated with how computers worked, how the web evolved, and being online a bit too much!

I was born in New York, and grew up on Long Island. I went to college to get my computer science degree and find my way into a career of tech support, then systems engineering. In the many years of working in a few different industries, I’ve been fortunate to travel the world (even live in the UK for a few years) and meet many amazing people.

In 2017 I pivoted to become a full time web developer and found my current place of work where I started as an associate, part time developer, and am now the digital director for a talented team of editors, writers, and developers.

What's Next?

I'm currently living in Metro Detroit, Michigan and work remotely, ready to try something new again, whether to discover it in code, in another creative field such as game development or production, photography, or other avenues I haven't tried yet.

Say hello!


© Liz Rodriguez - Made in the 80s